Elizabeth Feinler

education, youth, workshop, design, build, career, community, spatial agency, augmented reality, 3D modeling, virtual reality, affordable housing, land based. knowledge sharing, technology, architecture, storytelling, sustainability

American Information Scientist

Elizabeth Feinler pioneered and managed first the ARPANET, and then the Defence Data Network (DDN), network information centres (NIC) under contract to the Department of Defence (DoD). Both of these early networks were the forerunners of today’s Internet.

Her group developed the first Internet “yellow-” and “white-page” servers as well as the first query-based network host name and address (WHOIS) server. Her group managed the Host Naming Registry for the Internet from 1972 until 1989. As part of this effort, she and her group developed the top-level domain-naming scheme of .com, .edu, .gov, .mil, .org, and .net, which are still in use today.


Elon Musk


Bill Gates