
You’re Sustainably Inclined!

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education, youth, workshop, design, build, career, community, spatial agency, augmented reality, 3D modeling, virtual reality, affordable housing, land based. knowledge sharing, technology, architecture, storytelling, sustainability

Sit dolor dolor sed voluptatem totam et alias velit nam explicabo modi ad animi nisi sit pariatur cupiditate. Sed iure asperiores et impedit expedita quo saepe nulla qui eligendi error.

Et labore atque ut voluptatum eius et enim nisi est voluptatem doloremque et suscipit architecto aut porro magnam. Cum voluptatem vero quaerat officiis et recusandae quia et deserunt Quis qui voluptas omnis. Est quisquam quia nam iste iure ut consequatur rerum cum error consectetur. Nam dicta veniam in esse magni et nostrum quos vel ipsum illo eos nihil aliquid vel esse similique a suscipit dolore.

Potential professions in sustainability…

education, youth, workshop, design, build, career, community, spatial agency, augmented reality, 3D modeling, virtual reality, affordable housing, land based. knowledge sharing, technology, architecture, storytelling, sustainability

Urban Planner

An urban planner is someone who develops plans and programs for the use of land. They use planning to create communities, accommodate growth, or revitalize physical facilities in towns, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas.

education, youth, workshop, design, build, career, community, spatial agency, augmented reality, 3D modeling, virtual reality, affordable housing, land based. knowledge sharing, technology, architecture, storytelling, sustainability

Environmental Scientist

Environmental scientists identify hazards to the environment and humans, such as pollution. They also help create solutions to protect the environment by eliminating these hazards or at least decreasing their harmful effects.


Ecologists study the interactions between living things and their environment. They do this to understand how natural and human-caused changes in the environment influence the behaviour of species and how interactions between ecosystems, species, and their environment influence the natural world.

education, youth, workshop, design, build, career, community, spatial agency, augmented reality, 3D modeling, virtual reality, affordable housing, land based. knowledge sharing, technology, architecture, storytelling, sustainability
education, youth, workshop, design, build, career, community, spatial agency, augmented reality, 3D modeling, virtual reality, affordable housing, land based. knowledge sharing, technology, architecture, storytelling, sustainability

Environmental Engineer

Environmental engineers devise effective solutions to issues involving pollution, public health, and sustainability. At the same time, you also research how human decisions can impact different environments, leading to issues like drinking water contamination and acid rain.

Sustainable Projects

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