Washagamis Bay Design+Build Workshop Phase 01
Location: Washagamis Bay First Nation, ON, Treaty #3 Territory
Duration: 6 weeks
Completion: December, 2022 - January, 2023 & February - March, 2023
Participants: 9 students
Age Range: 17-40
Outcomes: Student-led design projects, in-depth understanding of the design process, gain technical skills such as
drafting and 3D modeling
The collaboration between Grey & Ivy and Washagamis Bay First Nation began with two consecutive "Introduction to Design" workshops. These workshops immersed participants in the process of design and housing development, challenging them to explore the fundamental concept of “home” beyond mere structures. Interactive design sessions allowed participants not only to gain essential design skills, but also have the opportunity to share the unique qualities, struggles, and aspirations of their community, and actively propose solutions. This two-way knowledge sharing became invaluable in informing the remainder of this process.
Students spent three weeks learning the basics of the design process through a non-linear and hands-on approach to think critically about their natural and built environments. They became proficient in digital design tools, like 3D modelling, virtual reality, and 3D printing, enabling them to effectively conceptualize and communicate architectural ideas.
The training workshops gave participants space to grow and engage in the work in a multitude of ways. It also gave Grey & Ivy a glimpse into life in the community and it’s existing capacity. It was a vital step in building relationships, discovering opportunities for capacity building, and setting the stage for the work that would unfold with the Knowledge Centre Development.

“My biggest take-away from the course is seeing my dream home in digital modelling. Thank you for the experience.”