Little Pine Design+Build Workshop


Location: Little Pine First Nation, SK, Treaty #6 Territory

Duration: 15 Days

Completion: July 2023

Participants: 10

Age Range: 15-17

Outcomes: High School Credit, Career Awareness, & Exposure to Design+Build process and individual design concepts

The Little Pine First Nation workshop, in partnership with the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technology (SIIT), facilitated a transformative three-week Design+Build experience for students. Beginning with the design process introduction, students explored storytelling tools like collage making, 3D printing, drones, and VR/AR technology. The final week focused on crafting a bench for the Chief Band Office, using fresh materials from the school site. Engraved with students’ names and drawings using CNC technology, each bench slat reflected their pride and ownership, leaving a lasting mark in the community.

My experience in this course was a fun, informative learning experience. Learning about creating and designing things was very interesting. This class surprised me.
— Little Pine Workshop Participant

Wanipigow 02 Design+Build Workshop


Norway House Design+Build Workshop